NAPLES: 239-262-1040 | MARCO ISLAND: 239-394-7502
NAPLES: 239-262-1040 | MARCO ISLAND: 239-394-7502
The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 (the Act) also eliminates the restricted application method (sometimes called the claim some now, claim more later method ) for claiming Social Security benefits by married couples. Under this strategy, a spouse reaching full retirement age who is eligible for both a spousal benefit (based on his or her spouse’s earnings) and a retirement benefit (based on his or her own earnings) could file a restricted application for spousal benefits only, then delay applying for retirement benefits based on his or her own earnings record (up until age 70). This would allow the Social Security credits to continue to grow. For those who turn 62 after 2015, the Act eliminates the ability to file a restricted application for only spousal benefits. [ Editor’s Note: Individuals who are age 62 or older in 2015 should still be able to use the restricted application method for spousal benefits only upon reaching full retirement age.] [Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015, Section 831(a) .]
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