NAPLES: 239-262-1040 | MARCO ISLAND: 239-394-7502
NAPLES: 239-262-1040 | MARCO ISLAND: 239-394-7502
With the initial pilot phase of the program concluded, the Treasury has announced that myRAs (my Retirement Accounts) are now available nationwide. A myRA is a Roth IRA with Roth IRA annual contribution limits ($5,500 for 2015, $6,500 if age 50 by 12/31/15) and income eligibility limits [i.e., available to those with annual taxable income of less than $131,000 (individuals) or $193,000 (couples) in 2015]. Key features include the ability to open an account and contribute small amounts through payroll direct deposits, bank drafts, or tax refund direct deposits; no fees; balances backed by the U.S. Treasury; and account portability. People can get information and sign up for an account at myRA.gov .
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